Need animated GIFs for your business? Here’s how you can create a GIF that best suits your needs for online usages!

Search for the Perfect GIF

Visit MotionElements Image + GIF for Work Library – the largest commercial GIF library in the world. You will see a search bar at the page.

image + GIF for work

An easy search board is presented when you type in a certain category of images. You can also choose how you want the size, framing (the angle of the video clips) and licensing to be at the left side bar.

GIF + Image

Choose video elements if you want to create GIFs. To identify the videos from images, simply hover your mouse onto the preview image. If it’s a video it will display.

Screen Shot 2017-03-16 at 4.19.04 pm

Make a GIF with the GIF Creator

After finding the perfect GIF you would like to create. Enter its element page and start editing your GIF.

GIF creator on motionelements, image + GIF for work

The GIF Creator on MotionElements is a simple but powerful tool for you to create your GIF. Check this article out to get your GIF with the duration, size, speed and loop type you need.

GIF creator, image + GIF

Image + GIF for Work

MotionElements Image + GIF for Work provides you the access to world’s largest commercial GIF library with the following features:

  1. The Image + GIF library is designed for online media: stock images for Facebook, photos, pictures for Instagram;
  2. Lowest rate plan in the industry starting from $9;
  3. Free GIFs and images available.


Our GIFs are kept to a maximum resolution of 640 pixels for optimum delivery on your online media such like webpages or EDMs.

Using GIFs in Your Business

Animated GIFs can be used across different online channels in businesses to increase reach and conversions, such as Facebook promotions, digital media, social media and blogs. Here are a few examples on the usages of GIFs:

Free GIFs

Not sure if you know how to use GIFs? Try your hands on the free GIFs first. Download these GIFs for free and experiment in your online media!